Foods to Eat if you are Magnesium Deficient

Leafy Green Vegetables for Magnesium

Whilst most of the information about this site concentrates on the impact of magnesium deficiency and the options for addressing said deficiency with taking magnesium supplements, then it is only reasonable that information is presented about how to source magnesium from your diet. In reality, obtaining magnesium from your diet should be the first aspect to address if it is diagnosed that you are suffering from a magnesium deficiency.

There is some conjecture that part of reason that more and more people are becoming undersupplied with magnesium from their food though, is that the magnesium levels in food is reducing with depleted magnesium in soil. However, if you alter your diet to include foods that are richer in magnesium then there is a good chance that you could at least begin to increase levels of magnesium in your body.

The following food items are generally considered to be “high” in magnesium and so would be suitable for inclusion in any diet which is aiming to reduce the deficit in magnesium in your body.

  • Leafy green vegetables. In particular spinach and kale are oft quoted as being great sources of magnesium. For example, 100g of spinach contains about 80mg of magnesium and a similar amount of kale yields about 50mg.
  • Whole Grains. The ever popular amongst health food proponents, quinoa provides about 60mg per 100g when eaten cooked. Cooked brown rice contains about 4 times as much magnesium as an equivalent mass of white rice (40mg for brown rice cf 10mg for white rice).
  • Nuts and Seeds. Always a popular inclusion in any dieticians recommendation, 100g of pepitas (pumpkin seeds) provides over 250mg of magnesium whilst sesame seeds yield a whopping 350mg and flaxseed even more at around 400mg. Cashews are also a great source providing 300mg per 100g.

Other foods such as low fat dairy (yogurt), fruits and vegetables also contain magnesium albeit mostly at lower levels and it is easy enough to check online for the amount of magnesium contained in any given food.

One interesting potential source of magnesium is coffee but if you are considering using a daily brew to top up your magnesium then probably safe to say that you would have to drink way more than health professionals would recommend in order to satisfy what you are missing from other foods.

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